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width:250px; float: left; top: auto; position: relative; background-position:0px -50px; } #khbuttons4:hover { background-position:0px 0px; } #fortune { background:url("http://thesporkedken.com/adopt/templates/default/images/qbfortune.jpg") no-repeat; background position: center top; height:300px; width:450px; padding:px; margin: 0 auto; overflow: hidden; float:right; position: absolute; font-size:200%; font-weight: bold; padding-left:50px; margin: 50 auto; } #scrolling { width: 200px; height: 250px; overflow: auto; } THIS IS HALLOWEEN MINIPETS



11:53AM, 5 March 2017

Hi there! As some of you saw, we had a database error in our messages due to a little too many messages! After rolling back messages to last week, I had to remove all notification messages from ADMIN so hopefully that fixes the issue!

9:58PM, 22 December 2016

Happy holidays! You can claim a weekly pet here! If you're also feeling super adventurous, you can check out our holiday grams event on Gaia here!

7:06PM, 14 February 2016

Happy Valentines day! Enjoy some candy on us!

2:29AM, 12 December 2015

Don't forget to pick up all the pets from the Advent Calendar, with exclusive pets available ONLY THIS MONTH!

For all those who collected all 31 of them, they will be able to try out for a special trophy prize at the end!

8:08PM, 3 December 2015

Advent Calendar hiccups!: There's been some hiccups on the advent calendar, because of this, day 3 has been skipped on the calendar! Instead, the advent should properly reset tonight, and day 4's prize will have day 3's box inside it as well!

Wow! A box in a box!

12:52AM, 1 December 2015

Welcome to Minis Advent Calendar 2015! This year, every day we will be releasing boxes! Each box will have 2 pets and one item! There is one box to grant for every day of December!

- One of the pets is a random pet made by our lovely artists!
- One of the pets is always a retro treat, paying 31 days of homage to some of our favourite old game classics!
- And the item will be a random ship or perhaps something else during the special days! Hope to see you around!
- To open the item, simply click on the item your items inventory and select the "open" button in the open below (or control + f "Open" on the page!)
- Have a great holidays!

- For those who still have dragon eggs remaining, you can hatch them here any time! Perhaps in the future we will see a return of this event with some new additions!

3:20PM, 17 November 2015

Hey all! Hope you are all having lots of fun with extended grams! The last day for grams will be November 30th and then Advent Calendar will start! Hope you'll all excited!

1:16AM, 7 November 2015


Did you know as of the start of the site, there have been 3.5 MILLION PETS CREATED! To celebrate this wonderful landmark, I will be handing out the following to RANDOM accounts:

x1 Of EVERY SINGLE rare ELITE TO EVER EXIST ON SITE (the exception are staff/site fundraiser only RE's) including the elusive Pendragon/Figment/ Alice RE's

x100 Random, rare pets! Think of it as a surprise box! It could be anything!

x10 Inkjars! Inkjars for everyone hooray!

All you need to do is either 1) post in the forums or 2) post in any active part on the site or even 3) adopt any random pet to be eligible! Pets will be handed out from now until the end of Tuesday!

9:29PM, 4 November 2015

thank you all so much for another wonderful year of absolutely amazing site fundraisers! It is always such a great honour to see everyone band together with such dedication and kindness, I am always floored by everyone's amazing generousity! thank you all, everyone who contributed, everyone who browses, plays, enjoys the site and TiH! You make everything absolutely possible and I say with absolute humbleness that indeed without all of YOU, this site, and many of our features from the shop would never have been possible.

I've set up a special weekly pet for this week as a huge thank you for everybody. Hope to always see you around, and we're very excited to bring you many, many more projects in the future!

9:28PM, 2 November 2015

Just a note that the LAST DAY FOR THE FUNDRAISER is tomorrow! A huge huge thank you to everyone who has helped support the site! There's a lot of small customs and prizes to go through so please give us a small bit of time as we process these prizes!

In the meanwhile, Halloween grams will be extended until November 10th, giving you an EXTRA WEEK to get those pets you're looking for!

7:24PM, 31 October 2015


Hope you all have a wonderful one!


4:06PM, 26 October 2015

Some new pets have been added to the Halloween Grams!

In addition some bonus stones have been added to the weekly pet and Daily Login! Go ahead and pick up some prizes and see what strange combinations you get!

11:09PM, 23 October 2015

Halloween Minis Fundraising is NOW OPEN!

Welcome to the Halloween Minis Fundraising 2015! As all of your lovely people know, we love our site very much, but the server costs are also very expensive to maintain! We hope, with your support in this fundraising effort, that we can continue to bring you this service for the years to come! click here for more information, fundraising of course, always comes with incentives for your kindness!

[ RUNS OCT 23 - NOV 3RD] (ETA)

12:34PM, 23 October 2015

There was a slight bug with you sending grams to yourself instead of another user! It should be fixed now and I have reset grams for the day with a temporary 24 hour stone drop rate of 100%!

11:38PM, 22 October 2015


We are very pleased to bring back Halloween Grams for this year! We are combining an event that we had been working on since last year with the grams, and because of this, are releasing a collossal 600+ NEW PETS with this year's grams! This event will last till after October, most likely until November 7th, to accommodate for such a large load of pets!

This year, when you send grams, you will send a dragon egg as your gram!

Fuse a dragon egg with elemental stones you can obtain from grams with other users to make unique combinations of pets! You can use one stone, no stone, or two stones, all of them will yield combinations!

+ =

+ =

There are FIVE different stones to collect and a tonne of beautiful pets!

8:27PM, 8 September 2015

Just a reminder that thank you week ends in two days! Get your points in while you can!

11:59AM, 24 August 2015


Welcome to thank you week 2015! This is a week dedicated to spreading the appreciation for others and giving them just a big thank you for everything they do! Again, all thank you messages are indeed private, so feel free to be as personal as you'd like (within discretion!) Every time you send a thank you message, you get a thank you point, which you can spend here for additional prizes featuring new pets and beloved old rare pets!

This event will end Sept 10, 2015 so get those prizes when you can! A reminder that you cannot use mule accounts for this event. Anyone caught using a mule will be BANNED

11:57AM, 24 August 2015

There was a small bug involving the thank you grams not resetting, it has been resolved now and you should be able to gain 10 points a day!

12:54PM, 16 April 2015

Hey guys! I will be doing another monthly update hopefully soon, but in the meanwhile I just wanted to talk about botting on this site! If you spam refresh on any of our confirmation pages too fast, the site itself will actually automatically lock your account out. Please, if a page is not loading, simply wait or close the page, wait a few seconds and try again! Hope that helps!

1:14AM, 20 February 2015

SHIPPING MONTH UPDATE: What better way to celebrate shipping than shipping minipets together. For this reason we are proud to announce a brand new, whopping huge, very big, BREEDING EXPLOSION UPDATE!!!

Go over to the breeding isle and see what very tiny adorable minipet shipping babies you can make! Good luck all!

Here are some new gen2 species listings to help you out!:

- Tiny Treats (Treat x Treat)
- Byabuns (Sealed Vial 4 x Dust Bunny)
- Sylph (Puck x Floresce)
- Sea Pony (Epony x Draken)
- Kumogo (Pokemomo x Wendigo)
- Phoenix Elnin (Elnin x Phoenix Hatchling)
- Wind Basilisk (Basilisk x Kirinni)
- Cloudpaca (Arpakassu x Koobo)
- Soul Treat (The Eater x Treat)

PS: Did you know that with this breedingsplosion, we have reached our 3000th breeding combination pair! Think of all the minipets!

As per usual, we have made the more common species via this breeding purchaseable in the gatchapon!

Also a happy Lunar New Years to all! Check out the weekly pets to pick up your special holiday exclusive pet! In addition don't forget that our grams are still running! There has only been one pink bottle redeemed, so good luck in finding more bottles!

A small updated has been made to the valentines day grams. Instead of gifting ships, it now gifts one super aromatic mushroom every time you gift a gram in celebration of the breedingsplosion! Huzzah! There have also been some more pets added to the grams!

9:43PM, 15 February 2015


LET THE SHIPPING BEGIN! Collect ship grams and turn them in for great prizes for this month only! We've got a whole slew of new pets to give out, a bunch of new ships, and of course, all the grams that you can give to signify which of your best friends/characters forever you would hug, marry or kill! In fact, we even created a confession board so everyone can see all your shame and confessions. ALL OF THEM. Well, okay maybe just 50 at a time..

In addition, by redeeming in prizes at the token redeem, which you get from getting a gram, you have a chance to win a very special item:

This pink star bottle will drop in your items inventory by entirely random chance, and if you have it, you are allowed to message chibizoo on the minis site and ask to turn it in for one of these beautiful six SE pets below! This pet will then become your very own unique special edition pet, which you can do as you please with! Please note this is first come first serve, so if you win, please make a list of your 6 choices by priority.

Good luck all!

Also there is indeed a breedingsplosion coming soon too! Here's a small preview:

3:34AM, 14 December 2014

Happy holidays all! Don't forget to pick up the advent calendar goodies, especially the double feature gift boxes on the 24th and 25th!

New pets have also been added to the holiday grams! Just a note that the grams AND advent are two separate features, of course! You can see what sort of goodies are available in the grams this year here!

1:28AM, 12 December 2014

More pets have been added to the holiday grams! Want to request your own pet to add? Go here! MAKE SURE YOU READ THE RULES CAREFULLY.

Want to see what pets have been added to the holiday grams for this year? Check it out here!

12:18AM, 11 December 2014


With the advent calendar fully underway, it is now the time for our beloved winter holiday grams! Go send some grams here and give your friend a ticket.

We are doing something VERY special this holiday grams! While there are exclusive holiday pets in this grams set, you can also request a pet here and I will honour each request and add it to the grams as long as it follows the rules!

Have fun and good luck, enjoy the grams! You'll also find some exclusive never before seen rares in the holiday grams!

9:51PM, 3 December 2014

Congratulations to all winners from the elnin contest! I've picked five winners, who should get pms soon with their promo codes! thank you all for entering! Everyone who entered should get a RANDOM INKJAR prize as well for their time (This may take a couple of days to send so please be patient!)

Winners list: tititi,hostel,KDAS,yylaayl, and lanamoonberries

In addition congratulations to .RekiChan. in the dragon contest! You will see more variations of this wonder design in the dragon event coming soon!

You can read older posts here!