Alternate Accounts

Alternate Accounts:

- On site we allow for a max of TWO accounts, but only one can be 'active' and adopt pets, play games. The other MUST be for storage only.

-Other people CANNOT play your account for you. Ever. Sharing accounts is NOT ALLOWED. Nor can you ever play another person's account. For any reason. Doing so is considered a form of alt account abuse and will get both the accounts flagged.

- You may no longer set an active pet on your alternate account, as it was originally only allowed when pets were shown via signatures. Setting new active pets to your alt is considered alt abuse.

- You may not get trophies on your alt account. The only exception are event awarded Trophies that are requested on that account. In example: A 'student' account that reflects the In Character ownership a student has for their pets may get the trophy awarded for an event that the student participated in. This trophy will not give any other reward and cannot be transferred to their main account.

- You may make an account for your character. Some users who have characters in This is Halloween make 'student accounts' as mentioned above. These act as in character 'inventories' of what pets students own. These accounts will be held to the alt account rules.

- You may send pets back and forth from your main account as much as you like- Bear in mind, large pet moves and both accounts showing 'activity' can be flagged as suspicious. This is ONLY if you have been 'playing' on your alt.

- You may not play ANY site games. This is included but not limited to: Daily games, Scarefari, Breeding, Alchemy, Dungeons, Battledome- NO GAMES SHOULD BE PLAYED ON ALTERNATE ACCOUNTS. EVER.

- You may not click pets and earn sliver on your alternate account.

- You may not send grams or assists to other users from alternate accounts. This also include ALL things that offer bonuses/aid to others for any events.

- You may not adopt pound pets, event pets, weekly pets, or any pet at all. This does also include SE pets.

- You may not store, buy, sell, or obtain items on your alternate account.

- You may not store silver, gain silver from games, events, or buy pets from users with your alternate account.

- You may not sell or trade pets with your alternate account. Even if they were placed there for storage- Selling or trading pets from an alt account is considered obtaining pets/items and thus, breaks the rules mentioned above. Please TRANSFER ALL PETS TO YOUR MAIN BEFORE TRADING OR SELLING THEM.

Not following the above is considered exploiting or cheating in many cases, and will result in disciplinary action. More serious offenses will result in a ban. We are strict on alternate accounts as we want to maintain a fair site for all of our players, and we thank you for your understanding and cooperation.