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AliLV's Wall of Ships! {back to profile} {Send Friends a Ship}

Send AliLV a ship? (This will use up the ship from your inventory!)
Send a for and !

AliLV's Current Ships (AliLV currently has ships!):
{ Sort by order received } { Sort alphabetically } { Sort alphabetically char 1 } { Sort alphabetically char 2 }
Alternate Universe Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Alternate Universe Shipper

Draven Theodorean Kal (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
Alternate Universe Shipper

AliLV (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Alternate Universe Shipper

Jalaja (s)
Draven Theodorean Kal (u)
Artifact Shipper

Camilla Forester (s)
Mayaa (u)
BFF Shipper

Mayaa (s)
Trisha (u)
BFF Shipper

GrnGriff (s)
AliLV (u)
Bromance Shipper

Keys (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Censored Shipper

Tentacles (s)
Draven Theodorean Kal (u)
Censored Shipper

Tears (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Censored Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Complicated Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Complicated Shipper

Miasma Aricia (s)
Molan (u)
Complicated Shipper

Jalaja (s)
Jiten (u)
Complicated Shipper

Simply (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Contract Shipper

Rare Elites (s)
chibizoo (u)
Contract Shipper

Food (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Contract Shipper

Death (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Contract Shipper

Metaplots (s)
raja (u)
Contract Shipper

Contracts (s)
never crazy (u)
Cowboy Shipper

mangshra (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

GrnGriff (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

AliLV (s)
chibizoo (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Poe tae toee (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

KaraAsumie (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Ponies (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Cowboys (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Cowboy Shipper

raja (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

neopetsgirl (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Insanity (s)
Draven Theodorean Kal (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Cowboys (s)
Draven Theodorean Kal (u)
Cowboy Shipper

KDAS (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Money (s)
Jalaja (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Tiny Cookies (s)
Mayaa (u)
Cowboy Shipper

cheshire (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Rikku Takanashi (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Baking (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

iloveyouDIE (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Life (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Cowboy Shipper

xlilLupusx (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Silver Pumpkin Seeds (s)
raja (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Jalaja (s)
Asteria (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Bishounen (s)
Molan (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Consequences (s)
Asteria (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Cowboys (s)
never crazy (u)
Cowboy Shipper

Mameha Otome (s)
AliLV (u)
Crack Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Crack Shipper

Tentacles (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Crack Shipper

Tentacles (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Crack Shipper

Miasma Aricia (s)
Poe tae toee (u)
Crack Shipper

Angel Faction (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Crack Shipper

Mattress Truck (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Crack Shipper

Fog (s)
Draven Theodorean Kal (u)
Crack Shipper

Distortion (s)
Draven Theodorean Kal (u)
Crack Shipper

Four Clans (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Crack Shipper

Draven Theodorean Kal (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
Crack Shipper

Distortion (s)
AliLV (u)
Crack Shipper

Draven Theodorean Kal (s)
Jalaja (u)
Crack Shipper

Stairs (s)
AliLV (u)
Crack Shipper

Blossilia Blood (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
Crack Shipper

Mayaa (s)
Aldara (u)
Crack Shipper

Abs (s)
Iyari (u)
Crack Shipper

aazhie (s)
AliLV (u)
Death Solo Shipper

Consequences (s)
Caelius (u)
Death Solo Shipper

Suffering (s)
never crazy (u)
Engagement Shipper

Alpacas (s)
AliLV (u)
Explosions Shipper

Miasma Aricia (s)
Draven Theodorean Kal (u)
Explosions Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)
Explosions Shipper

Consequences (s)
never crazy (u)
Fluffy Shipper

Alpacas (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Fluffy Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Fluffy Shipper

Trophies (s)
never crazy (u)
Forbidden Shipper

Four Clans (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Forbidden Shipper

Magical Girls (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Forbidden Shipper

Tiny Spiders (s)
AliLV (u)
Forbidden Shipper

Spookies (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Friendzone Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Friendzone Shipper

AliLV (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Friendzone Shipper

Solos (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Friendzone Shipper

Tentacles (s)
Draven Theodorean Kal (u)
Friendzone Shipper

Draven Theodorean Kal (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
Friendzone Shipper

Draven Theodorean Kal (s)
Jalaja (u)
Friendzone Shipper

cheshire (s)
AliLV (u)
Friendzone Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)
Friendzone Shipper

ChibiKokoro143 (s)
AliLV (u)
Friendzone Shipper

Mameha Otome (s)
AliLV (u)
Frienemy Shipper

Ofelia Tanner (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Frozen Shipper

Miasma Aricia (s)
Molan (u)
Frozen Shipper

Pikachu (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Frozen Shipper

GrnGriff (s)
AliLV (u)
Frozen Shipper

Contracts (s)
AliLV (u)
Frozen Shipper

Tiny Spiders (s)
AliLV (u)
Frozen Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)
Hate Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Tybalt (u)
Hate Shipper

Miasma Aricia (s)
Andrew Conner (u)
Hate Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Asteria (u)
Hate Shipper

Simply (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Hate Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jalaja (u)
Hate Shipper

Stairs (s)
AliLV (u)
Hate Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)
Hot Dad Shipper

Mushrooms (s)
Marcus Hasan (u)
Hot Dad Shipper

GrnGriff (s)
AliLV (u)
Hot Dad Shipper

Money (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Hot Dad Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)
Hot Prof Shipper

O (s)
Professor Darcy (u)
Hot Prof Shipper

Suffering (s)
Professor Zephron (u)
Hot Prof Shipper

Deus Ex Foxfire (s)
AliLV (u)
Hot Prof Shipper

Science (s)
AliLV (u)
Hot Prof Shipper

Cooking (s)
raja (u)
Inanimate Object Shipper

Metaplots (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Inanimate Object Shipper

GrnGriff (s)
AliLV (u)
Inanimate Object Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)
King Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Aymet (u)
King Shipper

Molan (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
King Shipper

Silver Pumpkin Seeds (s)
Draven Theodorean Kal (u)
Leader Shipper

Draven Theodorean Kal (s)
Mayaa (u)
Let It Go Shipper

Caelius (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Lucky Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Lucky Shipper

Ponies (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
Lucky Shipper

Cowboys (s)
AliLV (u)
Lucky Shipper

Vaisel (s)
AliLV (u)
Lucky Shipper

Tiny Cookies (s)
Poe tae toee (u)
Lucky Shipper

Molan (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
Lucky Shipper

Rare Elites (s)
AliLV (u)
Lucky Shipper

Consequences (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Lucky Shipper

Silver Pumpkin Seeds (s)
AliLV (u)
Lucky Shipper

Bishounen (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Lucky Shipper

Death (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Lucky Shipper

AliLV (s)
raja (u)
Lucky Shipper

Mayaa (s)
Simply (u)
Lucky Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)
Magical Girl Shipper

Silja (s)
AliLV (u)
Manly Shipper

Abs (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Manly Shipper

Abs (s)
Allan (u)
Manly Shipper

Tears (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Megane Shipper

Tara de Draiocht (s)
AliLV (u)
Miracle Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Miracle Shipper

Happiness (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Miracle Shipper

AliLV (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Mother Shipper

Benedryl Custardbatch (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Nakama Shipper

Stormy Ortega (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Nakama Shipper

Olivia (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
Nakama Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Nevada Burns (u)
Nakama Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Gale Gentry (u)
Nakama Shipper

AliLV (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Nakama Shipper

Bishounen (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Nakama Shipper

Angel Faction (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Nakama Shipper

Science (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Nakama Shipper

yuo117 (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

Draven Theodorean Kal (s)
Mayaa (u)
Nakama Shipper

Happiness (s)
Mayaa (u)
Nakama Shipper

Krissy (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

Contracts (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

Rikku Takanashi (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

Freaksrus (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

Metaplots (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

Food (s)
Jalaja (u)
Nakama Shipper

Spookies (s)
Mayaa (u)
Nakama Shipper

Baking (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

coala (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

Camilla Forester (s)
Mayaa (u)
Nakama Shipper

Mameha Otome (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

thyPOPE (s)
AliLV (u)
Nakama Shipper

AliLV (s)
never crazy (u)
Nakama Shipper

steal (s)
AliLV (u)
Nerd Shipper

Poe tae toee (s)
AliLV (u)
Pony Shipper

Alpacas (s)
AliLV (u)
Pony Shipper

Cowboys (s)
Jalaja (u)
Princess Shipper

Bishounen (s)
Simply (u)

Jake Cross (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)

Money (s)
GrnGriff (u)

Draven Theodorean Kal (s)
Jalaja (u)

Pikachu (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Romantic Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Romantic Shipper

Angel Faction (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Romantic Shipper

Death (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Romantic Shipper

Sandwiches (s)
Jalaja (u)
Romantic Shipper

Solos (s)
AliLV (u)
Romantic Shipper

Poe tae toee (s)
AliLV (u)
Secret Love Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Secret Love Shipper

Ajax Serpico (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Secret Love Shipper

Ponies (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Secret Love Shipper

Magical Girls (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Secret Love Shipper

Poe tae toee (s)
AliLV (u)
Secret Love Shipper

Silver Pumpkin Seeds (s)
never crazy (u)
Sempai Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Caelius (u)
Sempai Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Wilson Hopkins (u)
Sempai Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Gale Gentry (u)
Sempai Shipper

raja (s)
AliLV (u)
Sempai Shipper

Magical Girls (s)
Mayaa (u)
Ship of Lies Shipper

Emily Shadrean (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
Ship of Lies Shipper

Miasma Aricia (s)
Molan (u)
Ship of Lies Shipper

Tiny Spiders (s)
AliLV (u)
Ship of Lies Shipper

Suffering (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Ship of Lies Shipper

Stairs (s)
Mayaa (u)
Ship of Lies Shipper

Magical Girls (s)
raja (u)
Ship of Lies Shipper

Mameha Otome (s)
AliLV (u)
Ship of Lies Shipper

Madeline (s)
Chase (u)
Ship of Lies Shipper

Food (s)
Alamea (u)
Soulmate Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Soulmate Shipper

Life (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Soulmate Shipper

Death (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Soulmate Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)
Soulmate Shipper

Happiness (s)
never crazy (u)
Space Shipper

Consequences (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Space Shipper

Insanity (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Space Shipper

AliLV (s)
GrnGriff (u)
Space Shipper

Bishounen (s)
Jalaja (u)
Spoon Shipper

Mrs.Nono (s)
AliLV (u)
Suffering Shipper

chibizoo (s)
AliLV (u)
Suffering Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Suffering Shipper

Miasma Aricia (s)
Molan (u)
Suffering Shipper

Tiny Spiders (s)
AliLV (u)
Suffering Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)
Sunken Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Tiny Spiders Shipper

Tiny Spiders (s)
JackB (u)
Tiny Spiders Shipper

Happiness (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
Troll Shipper

Alexxann (s)
AliLV (u)
Troll Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Troll Shipper

Miasma Aricia (s)
Molan (u)
Troll Shipper

Andrew Conner (s)
Miasma Aricia (u)
Unrequited Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Unrequited Shipper

Angel Faction (s)
Mayaa (u)
Unrequited Shipper

Hot Dad (s)
AliLV (u)
Unrequited Shipper

Tiny Spiders (s)
AliLV (u)
Unrequited Shipper

Miasma Aricia (s)
Molan (u)
Unsinkable Shipper

Sherry Greyson (s)
Jake Cross (u)
What Could Have Been Shipper

Puns (s)
never crazy (u)
Wishful Shipper

Jake Cross (s)
Sherry Greyson (u)
Wishful Shipper

Happiness (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Wishful Shipper

Nyxtsuki Moon (s)
Jake Cross (u)
Wishful Shipper

cheshire (s)
AliLV (u)
Wishful Shipper

Wingseagle (s)
AliLV (u)